Maths Questions for Mrs Bennett’s Group

1. What are the next three numbers in the sequence?

a) 1 3 5 7 _ _ _?

b) 2 5 8 11 _ _ _?

c) 19 16 13 10 _ _ _?

2.  There are 200 stamps and I use 147 of them.  How many are left?

3.  The Emperor Hadrian was born in 76 AD and died in 138 AD. How old  was he when he died?

4.  There are 30 balloons in a bag. How many balloons in are there in 5   bags?

5.  What is half of 50?

6. What is a quarter of 60?

7.  Name two quadrilaterals?

8.  What is a six sided shape called?

9.  Two boys share 26 biscuits.  How many biscuits does each boy  have?

10.  There are 25 Chapters in the book I am reading.  I have read 7,  how many more do I have left to read?

11.  Make up your own maths problem using either addition or  subtraction.



Mrs B


100 Word Challenge

The orange pepper


Once there was an orange pepper, who forgot he was bathing in the sun by a crocodile. He took of his sun glasses and ran for his life, screaming as he went. His feet where soft as he went ,into the tropical jungle and climbed up a tree like a sloth. He stayed there fore an hour or two and the climbed down, only to be bitten on his bottom by a snake! OUTCH! “That really hurt” the pepper said screaming his head off. he put a pocket bandage on his bottom and scampered back up the branch to safety up high.


By, Joshua

100 Word Challenge

The sky was orange on a warm summer evening as the sun set over the Jungle.  There was a lake in the Jungle in the lake was a crocodile.  I held a pepper over the river and the crocodile jumped out and ate the pepper but did not like the pepper so he spat it out.  I really wanted to feed it but I forgot that they liked fish, so he waited until he moved and got a fish. After I threw it to him.  He gulped it down! Yum Yum!



100 Word Challenge

Once upon a time I had a dream that there was an orange crocodile, because all he ate was soft orange oranges.  One day he went for a picnic but the only thing was he forgot his oranges so he went back to his creaky cave and collected the oranges and returned to the picnic.  “Sorry I am late,” said the crocodile.  The crocodiles had a discussion about what food they liked best, one crocodile who was red said I love peppers, one who was green loved cucumbers!  Then they went off to find a yellow crocodile!

By William

100 Word Challenge

Crocodile Hero


In a land that time Forgot, far away, there was a crocodile with the power to defeat the evil alien.  He did not know that he had these powers until he ate an orange pepper.  He discovered every time he ate one he could breathe fire.  It was a special fire it will only harm the alien but if it goes onto an innocent villager it transforms into soft pillows. The battle between the alien and the crocodile was fierce and in a few hours the alien was defeated and dead.  The land was calm, people lived in peace.

By Leo

100 Word Challenge

Last Sunday a crocodile called Columbus was swimming in his swamp, for lunch his mum said, “we are having roasted peppers with beef.”  This was his least favourite meal.  He really wanted soft oranges with donkey juice.  To cheer him up his mum told him that he had forgotten it was Stewart’s party after lunch.  It was a swimming party.  He could not wait to dive in the cold pool.  So he ate his disgusting food because he knew he would have chocolate birthday cake with his friends.  So he ate the delicious birthday cake and saved a bit for his mum.

By Rafi

100 Word Challenge

The crocodile was swimming down the river to meet a friend for lunch but he forgot that his friend had eaten the day before a large orange which did not agree with him.  So the crocodile decided to meet hid friend called Dave who also liked to go to lunch.  His favourite food is soft fish with pepper.  So they went off to the shop, at the shop they had a special offer on soft fish so they asked a man for two fish and could he chop them up and sprinkle pepper over the top………

By Logan

100 Word Challenge

One day I saw an orange monkey in a zoo, I liked him so I called him “swing king”. Swing King had a best friend called Pepper, he was called this because he sneezed a lot!

Pepper’s the best swinging monkey in the whole zoo, but sometimes he forgets to let go. Today he swung until he fell asleep, everyone at the zoo stared in amazement. But then Pepper fell, down, down he went until he fell to the ground. It was very lucky that Peppers fur was so soft because he bounced and he didn’t even wake up.

By Nicholas

100 Word Challenge

Once there was a orange crocodile who was made out of peppers.He lived in a lake that was deep and crystal clear and full of soft lotus leafs. He woke up one morning with a knife threw his belly and he puled it out immediately. When he looked down at his belly there was a pepper missing and it grew back in one minute. He forgot that every full moon the knife monster came and he’d always stick a knife through everybody all the time.The next time there was a full moon the crocodile stayed awake and fought the monster.

From Aretino

100 Word Challenge

Once there was a crocodile, which lived in the Amazon rain forest. One day he found a magical pepper that could take anyone wherever they wished. The crocodile’s name was Sam and he loved magic. The golden letters on the pepper said that the spell that glowed in orange letters must not be forgotten. The magic pepper took Sam to a soft cheese cake land. Sam loved cheese cake a lot.

There he saw cheese cake trees, bushes and even people and houses. Sam ate until he was full. I must be going Sam thought but he forgot the magic spell!

By Luca